Bach Flower Remedy for Holistic approach to help child improve in academics

We at Educare Learning Solution, has solutions for every problem that a child faces. There are students who are very good with few subjects but have difficulty in others. Some are Good with Maths, Some good with Languages, while others are good at sports and other physical activities. We don't write off the fact that each one of us are born with different abilities but the question is still important: Why some students fail miserably? Why several efforts from teacher, parents and even students fail to overcome the learning disability? 
The Answer is emotional imbalance in children's developed during upbringing. Once these emotions are taken care of children come out of any any learning blockages. 

Bach flower is one such remedy that can heal the emotional turmoil and help students improve. We recommend these remedies to needy students and help them overcome the learning complexities. We have a team of certified counselors and Bach flower remedy practioners who help us achieve this objective.

In the year 1930, Dr. Edward Bach (a well known bacteriologist, physician, pathologist & homeopathic) done some research on flower background, where he discovered that flowers in nature have the ability to affect our emotions positively. The energies from different flowers can remove our emotional pains and suffering, which over time harm our health and impair healing. He made sure that when he died in 1936 that his original Bach Flower system would be simple and easy for everyone to understand and use.

What is bach flower remedies?
Bach Flower Remedies(BFRs) are solutions of brandy and water. The solution which contain a 50:50 Mix of water and Brandy are called Mother tincture
The Bach Flower Remedies work in harmony with herbs, homeopathy and medications and are safe for everyone, including children, pregnant women,  pets,elderly and even plants.

The Bach Flower Remedies is a natural stress and emotional relief, safe for children. The Bach Flower Remedies children deal with every day fears, daydreaming, self-esteem, worries, sadness, self-acceptance, school issues etc.
Children respond quickly to the Bach Flower Remedies because they have not had years of unresolved emotional imbalances. Parents giving the Bach Flower Remedies to their children are often amazed by the positive effect the Remedies have on their children. Screaming children find sudden relief, shy and fearful children find courage, impatient and angry children find peace and discouraged children find the will to go on.

Positive effects of the essences can be noticed in 14 days and can be described as feelings of peace, awareness and decrease of negative emotions. Sometimes you can feel the effects of Bach flower essences almost instantly, this is most likely true in cases of temporary imbalance when client discusses their feelings openly. In cases of long term difficulties there may be a need for repeated consultations and essences are taken for several months. We pay attention to the present situation first and then move on to the deeper disharmony. It is very important to respect every individual’s healing process and pace.

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 contact us:- 922155789/  7498602745
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