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Educare learning a coaching institute is providing with DMIT TEST
What is DMIT?
DMIT ( Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test) is a combination of Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Theory of Prof H. Gardner & Biometric technology. Dermatoglyphic is a scientific method, by which information about functional capacity of Brain ,inborn talent , potential personality type & characteristics learning style ,etc can be identified through fingerprint. This is a thousand years old concept and modern science has been researching on its since 300 years.
Why your child behave a certain way? His core personality, threats, his hidden talents and ability.
Do you Believe ?
- Every child is unique
- Every child is Talented
- Every child is a capable to Excel
- Every child is a same school, same class, same book, same teacher, same age, same system.
Then Why?
- Few students are brilliant,
- Some are average,
- Some are below average,
- We can see different types of students and their result
Do you have answer for this?
Science believe that every child has inborn talent, but how to recognise that the specific child has this type of inborn talent/ intelligence/ skill?
1.Inborn Talent.
2.Personality and Behaviour
3.SWOT Analysis(strength,weakness,opportunities,threats)
4.level of Multiple Intelligence
5.Sub Intelligence
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